As a company listed on AIM on the London Stock Exchange, we understand the importance of good corporate governance.
We strive to run our business ethically and fairly for all stakeholders, including shareholders, employees, customers, suppliers, and the community. We don’t discriminate based on gender, race, colour, or religion.
Our board of directors is responsible for overseeing the company’s sustainability efforts. It is supported by the ESG committee, which is made up of board members, Terence Goodlace (Chairman), Laurence Robb and Anthony Viljoen, plus others from the executive management and ESG teams. They advise the board and meet regularly to review progress.
The people in charge of implementing our sustainability policies and reaching our goals are the corporate services executive and the group ESG manager. We also have specialised employees at the mine who focus on the environment, health and safety, as well as community relations.
These teams work together to ensure that we are prospering in areas such as health, safety, stakeholder relationships, environmental management and beyond.
We are a London-listed mining company that strives to grow into a collection of high-quality, conflict-free tech-metal mines. Our main asset is Uis tin mine in Namibia.
We’re managed by experienced leaders that plan to increase our production at Uis and acquire other tech-metal assets across Africa. We follow sustainable practices and have policies in place for health and safety, the environment, human rights, and labour.
We are aware of the risks involved in the mining industry and are working on mitigating them.
We frequently communicate with our shareholders through presentations and updates to understand their needs and concerns.
Our shareholders also remain informed by viewing reports and announcements online.
The board considers the needs of all our stakeholders and takes steps to ensure Andrada’s long-term success. We have open communication with employees, community members, suppliers, and other stakeholders, and work to minimise our environmental impact.
We promote an inclusive work environment that encourages gender equality while also supporting the UN’s principles on business and human rights.
Key employees are given a stake in Andrada’s success through a share option scheme.
Andrada’s board is led by a chairman and includes two non-executive directors and the CEO.
The chairman is responsible for leading the board and making sure it works efficiently, and the CEO manages the daily operations of the business. Our non-executive directors provide independent judgment, keeping the board balanced.
The board regularly reviews key risks and makes sure there is a system in place for managing all relevant risks.
We are dedicated to maintaining high health and safety standards and following policies and procedures to achieve such standards.
Regular assessments and campaigns are carried out to remain aware of risks, and extra measures were put in place during the COVID-19 pandemic.
At Andrada, we select our directors based on their skills and ensure their experience matches the requirements of the company and our strategy. Board members’ details, including their professional background information, can be found on our website.
The directors receive training to keep their skills updated. Our board, audit, and remuneration committees can seek outside help as required.
New directors receive training on regulations relevant to their role within an AIM-quoted company.
The chief financial officer and chief operating officer attend board meetings when needed to provide financial and operational information.
Expand Uis Tin Mine while preserving the natural value of the area and minimising any harm to biodiversity.
We encourage ethical behaviour and equal treatment of all employees, customers, suppliers, and partners.
Our board is responsible for approving Andrada’s strategies and overseeing key decisions.
Non-executive directors are tasked with reviewing executive management performance and challenging proposed strategies.
The chairman leads the board and sets the agenda for meetings with the help of the CEO.
We stay in touch with stakeholders, including shareholders, by keeping them informed about Andrada’s governance and performance news.
This information can be found in the investors’ section of our website. It features details relating to the board, announcements, governance, past reports and meetings, as well as stock information.
Shareholder meeting results and votes are also shared publicly on our website for complete transparency.
Andrada understands and fulfils shareholder needs and expectations. The company frequently communicates with its shareholders through different formats including one-on-one meetings, webinars, reports, announcements, and presentations to update them of the material developments. Our shareholders also remain informed by viewing reports and announcements online. This information can be accessed in the investors’ section of our website. It features details relating to the board, announcements, governance, past reports and meetings, as well as stock information. Shareholder meeting results and votes are also shared publicly on our website for complete transparency.
The board considers the needs of all our stakeholders and takes steps to ensure Andrada’s long-term success. The company has open communication with employees, community members, suppliers, and other stakeholders, and works to minimise our environmental impact. Andrada considers the impact of its actions on stakeholders and society, aiming to achieve long-term success in a responsible manner.
Andrada encourages ethical behaviour and equal treatment of all employees, customers, suppliers, and partners. Reports and meetings, stock information, shareholder meeting results and votes are shared publicly on our website for complete transparency.
We adhere to best practice policies that clearly define our vision for sustainability and efficient governance throughout the company. These policies are completely transparent and can be viewed below.
Every policy is approved by the board before being published and implemented. We strive to uphold these policies and consider them the foundation of our sustainability approach.